Authentic assessment is summed up by Mueller as "A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills" (1) In PE I have been using a green screen and ipad app Green Screen by DoInk to help create some authentic real world activities for the students to complete in several units.
In Kindergarten PE one unit was integrated with the homeroom teachers unit of imagination, where in PE the students created yoga stories. We started the unit by learning different yoga poses by participating in yoga stories from
Cosmic Kids Yoga, before creating our own story videos. Students used their imagination and create a story of their own, using a storyboard to record the story.
Then they had to think of yoga poses to illustrate the story, using poses that they new and from adapting poses on display - we know have an excellent range of unicorn poses! Once the stories were complete the students recorded their story in front of a green screen, before they choose a background that matched their story.
Our culminating activity was a lesson of yoga, lead by our new yoga experts, as we watch and participated in the students yoga stories, just like the stories we had seen on Cosmic Kids.
In Grade 1 dance unit our authentic assessment activity was to create a music video - just like the songs have on MTV. Again this was an integrated unit, where the the students were inquiring into how light and sound could be used to express their emotions.
Students worked in groups of fours to create a dance that represented four different emotions. After listening to different pieces of music, four pieces were chosen to represent four different emotions. The music was combined to make one track to which the students danced to, changing their choreography as the emotions changed. Each student was in charge of one emotion and had to lead the others in this segment. The final dance was then recorded in front of a green screen, before the students choose a background to add to their dance - creating their own music video.
(1) URL Website TitleStep 3: Identify the Criteria (Authentic Assessment Toolbox) Date AccessedFebruary 20, 2019